Control Measure Installation
Aqua Terra Environmental, LLC.
The legal ramifications of improper C.M. (control measure) installation is clear, it’s costly! It’s costly from a monetary perspective, and can damage a company’s reputation. The permits the construction industry must comply to are quite clear, and failure to do anything less creates a false sense of security. Many states have revised their statutes to allow for greater fines based on audit findings. Audit procedures and enforcement procedures have been tightened to look at systemic environmental violations across company projects, not just one construction site. When systemic violations can be found, the enforcement procedure allows for assessing higher fines for chronic and recalcitrant violations. Gone are the days of small enforcement actions and minor monetary fines. In the State of Colorado fines quite regularly run in the hundreds of thousand of dollars just to settle. The construction industry must find ways to economically comply with all regulations and permits, or risk being caught. Aqua Terra can mitigate this risk by helping the contractors understand what their risks are and by developing innovative and cost-effective solutions for site specific compliance problems.
Aqua Terra’s partnership with our sister company, Ethos Control Measures, allows us to be able to offer competitive control measure installation and control measure treatment train design.